General References
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Oculomotor Control & Extraocular Biomechanics

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Orbit™ In The News & Scientific Literature

These papers discuss or utilize our Orbit Gaze Mechanics Simulation.

Cabungcal JH, Misslischa H, Heppb K, Hess BJM (2002)
Cabungcal JH, Misslischa H, Heppb K, Hess BJM (2002). Geometrical properties of three-dimensional binocular eye position in light sleep. Vision Research, vol 42, isu 1, pgs 89-98.
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Castanera de Molina, A (1998). A biomechanical model of congenital/infantile esotropia and its treatment. Binocular Vision & Strabismus Quarterly, vol 13, isu 4, pgs 255-266.
No Downloads Clark RA, Demer JL (2002). Effect of aging on human rectus extraocular muscle paths demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging. Am J Ophthalmol, vol 134, isu 6, pgs 872–878.
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Computer model can be used to plot out strabismus surgery. Ocular Surgery News, 1998.02.15.
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Das VE, Fu LN, Mustari MJ, Tusa RJ (2004). Incomitance in Monkeys with Strabismus. Strabismus, vol 13, isu 1, pgs 33-41.
No Download Demer JL, Miller JM, Poukens V (1996). Surgical implications of the rectus extraocular muscle pulleys. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus, vol 33, isu 4, pgs 208-18.
Demer JL, Clark RA, Miller JM (1998) Demer JL, Clark RA, Miller JM (1998). Role of orbital connective tissue in the pathogenesis of strabismus. American Orthoptic Journal, vol 48, pgs 56-64.
Demer JL, Clark RA, Miller JM (1999)Demer JL, Clark RA, Miller JM (1999). Heterotopy of extraocular muscle pulleys causes incomitant strabismus. In Lennerstrand G (Ed), Advances in Strabismology, pgs 91-94. cty Amsterdam, pub Swets.
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Demer JL, Kono R, Wright W, Oh SY, Clark RA (2002). Gaze-related orbital pulley shift: a novel cause of incomitant strabismus. In de Faber JT (Ed) Progress in Strabismology, Lisse, The Netherlands: Swets and Zeitlinger, pgs 207–210.
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Demer JL, Clark RA (2005). Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Human Extraocular Muscles During Static Ocular Counter-Rolling. Journal of Neurophysiology, vol 94, pgs 3292-3302.
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Foster, RS (1997). Vertical muscle transposition augmented with lateral fixation. JAAPOS, vol 1, isu 1, pgs 20-30.
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Haslwanter T, Hoerantner R, Priglinger S (2004). Reduction of ocular muscle power by splitting of the rectus muscle I: Biomechanics. Br J Ophthalmol, vol 88, pgs 1403-1408.
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Hoerantner R, Kaltofen T, Priglinger S, Fock CM, Buchberger M and Haslwanter T (2007). Model-Based Improvements in the Treatment of Patients with Strabismus and Axial High Myopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, vol 48, isu 3, pgs 1133-1138.
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Koene, AR, Erkelens CJ (2002). Cause of kinematic differences during centrifugal and centripetal saccades. Vision Research, vol 42, pgs 1797-1808.
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Koene AR, Erkelens CJ (2004). Properties of 3D rotations and their relation to eye movement control. Biol Cybern, vol 90, isu 6, pgs 410–417.
No DownloadKono R, Poukens V, Demer JL (2002). Quantitative Analysis of the Structure of the Human Extraocular Muscle Pulley System. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol 43, no 9, pgs 2923-2932.
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Kono R, Poukens V, Demer JL (2005). Superior Oblique Muscle Layers in Monkeys and Humans. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol 46, isu 8, pgs 2790-2799.
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Kono R, Okanobu R, Ohtsuki H, Demer JL (2008). Displacement of the Rectus Muscle Pulleys Simulating Superior Oblique Palsy. Jpn J Ophthalmol, vol 52, isu 1, pgs 36-43.
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Krzizok TH, Kaufmann H, Traupe H (1997). Elucidation of restrictive motility in high myopia by magnetic resonance imaging. Arch Ophthalmol, vol 115, pgs 1019-1027.
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Krzizok TH, Schroeder BU (1999). Measurement of recti eye muscle paths by magnetic resonance imaging in highly myopic and normal subjects. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science.
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Kushner BJ (2006). How Do Recessions and Resections of Extraocular Muscles Work? Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus, vol 10, isu 4, pgs 291-292.
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Maxwell JS, Schor CM (1994). Mechanisms of vertical phoria adaptation revealed by time-course and two-dimensional spatiotopic maps. Vision Res, vol 34, isu 2, pgs 241-51.
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Maxwell JS, Schor CM (2006). The coordination of binocular eye movements: Vertical and torsional alignment. Vision Research, vol 46, isu 21, pgs 3537-3548.
Migliaccio AA, Cremer PD, Aw ST, Halmagyi GM (2004)Migliaccio AA, Cremer PD, Aw ST, Halmagyi GM (2004). Vergence-Mediated Changes in Listing’s Plane Do Not Occur in an Eye with Superior Oblique Palsy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol 45, isu 9, pgs 3043-3047.
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Miller AM, Mims III JL (2006). The Influence of Pulleys on the Quantitative Characteristics of Medial Rectus Muscle Recessions: The Torque Vector Model. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, vol 10, isu 4, pgs 318-323.
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Narasimhan A, Tychsen L, Poukens V, Demer JL (2007). Horizontal Rectus Muscle Anatomy in Naturally and Artificially Strabismic Monkeys. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol 48, isu 6, pgs 2576-2588.
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Oh SY, Clark RA, Velez F, Rosenbaum AL, Demer JL (2002). Incomitant Strabismus Associated with Instability of Rectus Pulleys. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol 43, no 7, pgs 2169–2178.
Porrill J, Warren PA, Dean P (2000)Porrill J, Warren PA, Dean P (2000). A simple control law generates Listing's positions in a detailed model of the extraocular muscle system. Vision Research, vol 40, isu 27, pgs 3743-3758.
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Ramasamy B, Rowe F, Whitfield K, Nayak H, Noonan CP (2007). Bilateral combined resection and recession of the medial rectus muscle for convergence excess esotropia. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, vol 11, isu 3, pgs 307-309.
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Schor CM, Maxwell JS, McCandless J, Graf E (2002). Adaptive Control of Vergence in Humans. Ann NY Acad Sci, vol 956, pgs 297–305.
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Software Review: Program Simulates Orbit Gaze Mechanics. Ophthalmology World News, 1995.12.
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Steffen H, Walker MF, Zee D (2000). Rotation of listing's plane with convergence: independence from eye position. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol 41, isu 3, pgs 715-721. 
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Straumann D, Steffen H, Landau K, Bergamin O, Mudgil AV, Walker MF, Guyton DL, Zee DS (2003). Primary Position and Listing’s Law in Acquired and Congenital Trochlear Nerve Palsy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science  vol 44, no 10, pgs 4282–4292.
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Thacker NM, Velez FG, Rosenbaum AL (2005). Combined Adjustable Rectus Muscle Resection—Recession for Incomitant Strabismus. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, vol 9, isu 2, pgs 137-140.
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The Role of Biomechanical Analysis in the Management of Complicated Strabismus. Jules Stein Eye Institute – UCLA Clinical Update, 1996.09. 
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Warren PA, Porrill J, Dean P (2004). Consistency of Listing’s law and reciprocal innervation with pseudo-inverse control of eye position in 3-D. Biol Cybern, vol 91, pgs 1-9.
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Weber KP, Landau K, Palla A, Haslwanter T, Straumann D (2004). Ocular Rotation Axes during Dynamic Bielschowsky Head-Tilt Testing in Unilateral Trochlear Nerve Palsy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science  vol 45, isu 2, pgs 455-465. 
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Weiss AH, Phillips JO (2006). Hypertropia Associated With Superolateral Translation of the Superior Rectus Muscle Pulley in Unilateral Coronal Synostosis. Arch Ophthalmol, vol 124, pgs 1128-1134.

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